Technology Transfer: A global phenomenon *



Case Code : CLIBE052
Publication date : 2005
Subject : Business Environment
Industry : Information Technology & Services
Length : 03 Pages


Short Case Study Price: INR 50;

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Short Case Studies

Abstract: ICMR India ICMR India ICMR India ICMR India RSS Feed

The caselet presents the influence of the US economy on global economic growth. It traces out the reasons for the trade and budget deficits of the US. The caselet depicts the threat to the global economy due to the depreciation of the US dollar against other currencies. It gives the opinions of economists and analysts on ways in which the US can reduce trade deficits.


» Usage of the latest technologies by organizations for growth.
» How organizations put information technology to use.
» How technology transfer helps global innovation.
» Japan's adoption of foreign technology.
» Transfer of information through networks.


Technology has brought about dynamic changes in the way organizations work. And organizations that use the latest technologies have shown tremendous growth compared to those that have resisted such technology.

It is quite evident that in today's technology era, more and more organizations are showing a preference for the latest technologies to improve their businesses.

Of all the technologies, information technology has a special place and has become indispensable....

Questions for Discussion:

1. Discuss how Japan is one of the beneficiaries of technology transfer.
2. "Organizations that have been using the latest technologies have shown tremendous growth compared to organizations that resist change. However, transfer of technology or adoption of a newer technology is not an easy process." Comment.

Key words:
Information technology, management information systems, technology transfer, space research, electronics, semiconductors, medical science, information technology, automobiles, communication systems, Internet, innovation, investment

* This caselet is intended for use only in class discussions.
** More comprehensive case studies are priced at Rs.200 to Rs.700 (US $5 to US $16) per copy.